Monday, August 25, 2008

Ethen started first grade last week. I can hardly believe it!!! It was very hard for me watching the other parents. I just kept thinking, "Shane should be here too". I'm not sure if I am sad or glad about this, but when we got there, he acted like I wasn't there. He just started talking to his friends and took off to play. When I told him goodbye, he didn't even glance my way as he hollered "bye mom". I wish he would have acted just a little bit that he didn't want me to leave. I miss him during the day, but it is much quieter. Emilee doesn't scream near as much as when he is home. She tries to boss him around and if he doesn't listen she screams at him. I am trying my best to break her of that. Today, she kept screaming so I gave her a swat. She cried so hard she threw up. I'll try to get some pictures of his first day up soon. Until next time.

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